The Canaan Fir (pronounced ka-nane) is basically ''the best tree you've never heard of!''. The Canaan is very unique in that it shares the best characteristics of the fraser and balsam fir. The appearance closely resembles a fraser fir. The needles are short, soft, and rounded with a dark green topside and a silver accent underneath. The Canaan fir is considered to be one of the best choices for freshness and needle retention. The fragrance of the Canaan is probably its number 1 selling point! While maintaining the beautiful appearance of a fraser, the Canaan has the same wonderful fragrance as a balsam fir. It is truly the best of both worlds!
Come to Christmas Trees Chicago at 1813 W Montrose to pick out the perfect tree for Christmas or place your order online if you'd prefer delivery.
Please don't hesitate to give us a call with any questions/concerns!
(773) 388-2500